Tuesday, May 11, 2010

OAR Success Story / Ike (aka Kitkat)

My fiance and I were looking for a buddy for our 1 year old male cat Twix, who seemed lonely after moving into a new condo. Kitkat (formerly known as Ike) caught my eye immediately at Petsmart where he was waiting for adoption. We were a little unsure how Twix might react to a new cat in the house and have been so pleased with how things have turned out. Within a matter of days they were sleeping together and washing each other. Kitkat has been so much fun for us humans too. He is very loving and enjoys purring, getting pets and playing chase games. I was told he and others in his litter were bottle fed by some of your volunteers and I can't help but wonder if that early human contact contributed to his sweet personality. Thank you all so much for bringing him into our lives and for everything you do! -Emily, Nate, Twix & Kitkat

I have attached some pictures of our boys together, Kitkat is orange and Twix is grey/white.

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